Saturday, April 7, 2012

19 years.....

I started thinking about this all week. As I'm sure you can imagine its hard for me to get alone time to think and write everything out how I think about it. I try to write things down as they come to me but I'm always rushed.....there was so much more to this, but this still says it all.
19 years old......

It's so weird as I sit here today and think about bringing my first baby home from the hospital 19 years ago! My first thought is really? Where did the time go? Then I can't help but get emotional with the flood of memories........
 I was working at an HVAC company at the time and was just starting to realize wow,  I'm having a baby soon! Well my precious lil bundle came three weeks early weighing 6lbs 2 oz! She was the tiniest most perfect thing I ever laid my eyes on. I was home in 24 hours and let me tell you I was a bit unprepared! I was 20, so I was young and selfish and this little being needed something 24/7! How funny it is to me now thinking of the nights I was up, my husband is up, the baby is crying and then I start to cry! My poor husband was like um are you ok? I'm like uh no! Why won't she stop crying? I'm so tired! I just want to sleep!! Thankfully we fell into a routine quickly. She was such a good baby. Very happy, laughed and smiled all the time. She was such a joy! The hardest thing was she stopped napping at 9 months, but she went to sleep by 7pm and woke at 7am! She was very curious, outgoing, and was always asking a question! She used to talk for her sister. I would ask a question and oldest would tell me whether her sister wanted it or not. As she grew up she was very responsible and independent. She had a very sunny disposition. She was always a glass half full kind of girl with an infectious smile. Even her friends would say to her,  you sound like a walking Hallmark card! It seemed like overnight she went from my little girl to a young adult trying to find her own way. It's been rough since she graduated HS and moved out. I wasn't prepared for this stage. I guess I thought it would be different. But at the end of the day, she is still my baby girl and I love her.


  1. hugs... to ya Mama! I cannot imagine... I've been going through a transition of sorts myself; I am constantly reminding myself that my oldest daughter isn't a baby, that part of my job as a parent is to give her the tools and opportunity to do for herself. OH>MY> but she is my baby.

    Sending you some positive mojo ~ they are supposed to leave home and go out into the world, right?! Ugh! :) Cheers to those that walk first... much appreciation ~thank you for sharing.

  2. Happy Birth Day Mama! Gosh you were almost a baby yourself when you had your first. I couldn't even imagine...she will find her own path in life, it is up to you to give her the love and strength she needs to find it.

    p.s. if she is at all medically inclined, have her look into a diagnostic medical imaging (sonography( program at a PUBLIC community college. It is only a 2 year stint and you come out making around 50k-60k. It is a certification program and while there are some pre-requisites, it isn't too bad. Around here the entire program is around 6k total. I am sure it is comparable to other community colleges around the country. Maybe if a typical 4 year degree isn't appealing to her, then something like this would. I am still toying with the idea of doing it....
